Wednesday, April 17, 2013


skg cuti bermula....
slalu tym blajar,mst x sbr maw cuti...
bila cuti bermula, bosan melanda...
haha...xpa,yg pnting rehat scukupnya....
then,study blik....

sy rasa kn, stdy lebih snang drpd kerja...
kerja lg memenatkan....
law stdy, di situ je la kita dduk,hafal,wt exercise and bla bla bla...

sbnrnya,bosan skg ni...
x taw apa maw wt...
lgpun,lma da x post yg baru...

i know my story was not interesting like others blog...
this blog just for fun and for sharing my knowledge to u...
i don't know whether there is anyone who read my blog...

tp kpd sesiapa yg baca blog sy...
tq very much...
I appreciate it...hehe...
peace no war...
see u later...

assalamualaikum...jaga hati dan iman yer... :))